
As a mother of two with a fire fighter for a husband whose rarely home, I found myself burned out trying to be the super teacher and super mom. The only thing super about any of it was that I was left feeling super tired!
Scouts, sports, birthday parties, you name it I was making it happen.
Reading committee, book study, after school program, I was signing up for it. If it had not been for the Pandemic, I may never have finally slowed down.
A book study, Covid, seeking therapy, and beginning a new job are a few of the contributing factors that led to the creation of Lit Life Planning and Consulting LLC.
I had to get real with myself about the kind of mother and educator I truly wanted to show up as daily and establish a plan to make that happen. During my time of self reflection I discovered the power of having a LIT mindset which is one that promotes loyalty, intentionality, and time.
I learned to say no, created schedules for both work and home obligations, established boundaries, and began to spend more of my time living and less time working.
Once I realized the impact these small changes were having for me, I decided to help other mothers and educators establish a LIT mindset so they too can live more and work less!

Now, my opinion may totally be biased but I'm okay with that. To rock the title of both educator and mother is just as dope as it is slightly insane! Balancing those two titles along with the 5011 other things we have going on can be quite the task but we do it and we do it well.
If you didn't lose yourself a little during the pandemic (or a lot, no judgement) major props goes out to you because I almost went insane! As crazy as that time was for me it taught me a lot and matured me. I discovered some of the most beautiful parts of myself during some of the ugliest times I've ever endured.
I realized that I am MORE THAN a wife to my husband, a mom to my two kids, and an educator for my students.
I adopted the title of Edumom in order to bridge together two of the hats I wear that make up a large part of who I am. Lit Life Planning and Consulting LLC. was created for the educators, the mommas, the working mommas, the women out there wearing all the hats and doing all the things while growing in our purpose. We wear these titles and not the other way around.
We have to remember to put ourselves first because a pitcher with no lemonade can do nothing for anyone! We have to not only continue to make the lemonade but to fill our glasses first. When we take care of ourselves, we are better able to take care of others. My goal is to engage with other like minded educators and working mothers, empower them to be the best version of themselves, and enlighten women during the ups and downs life is sure to throw at us.
Whether your title is Edumom, Nursemom, Techmom, Chefmom, Prenurmom we are apart of this mom crew together and I'm ready to grow with you!

I am for
Providing purposeful resources to educators and working mothers that allow them to live more and work less and to grow with likeminded individuals.
I am not for
Wasting time or negative mindsets. I want to provide you with purposeful resources, and safe spaces to learn and grow.


Educators, imagine knowing that you have someone in your corner all school year long as passionate about education as you are. Imagine that same person valuing the use of contracted time in order to live more of your life outside of the classroom with your family as much as you do. Now how about receiving purposeful resources and participating in webinars each month over topics such as establishing boundaries, healthy self care practices, the art of saying no, what you can REALLY do with data, and so much more. This is what life is like inside the Real LIT Teachers membership.
Working moms, imagine having a schedule that is flexible and includes time for yourself. Imagine forming relationships with other likeminded moms who prioritize not only themselves but their roles as mothers. How about, receiving purposeful resources and participating in webinars over topics such as I'm a mom now what?!, following through, creating schedules and routines, and many more. This is what you can expect when you attend a Real LIT Moms workshop or webinar.